Hemiplegic Migraine

Hemiplegic Migraine (HM) are migraine attacks, a neurological disorder that is episodic in nature. Some symptoms include episodes of prolonged aura (up to several days or weeks), Hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body), fever, Meningismus (symptoms of meningitis without the actual illness and inflammation), impaired consciousness ranging from confusion or profound coma, headache, ataxia or defective muscle coordination, nausea or vomiting, phonophobia or photophobia.
Those who experience HM absolutely need to educate themselves about their disease and treatment. Because many doctors have never treated HM, it is imperative to seek a Migraine specialist for care and follow-up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Really, I'm not offended

I was at the grocery store the other day and enjoying the fact that Giant Eagle was not the least bit crowded. My first indication to turn my car around would be the parking lot. If it was full to capacity I haul my ass out of there, thereby saving myself some major migraine grief later. But the floors were clear of aggravating shoppers, grocery carts threatening to run your heels over, and screaming children yelling "I want that!". The grocery aisles were empty and the incessant beeping from the cash registers were even silent.

Aahh! Such a simple thing, and I go all -Hooray for me! I know, quite pathetic. But try coming with me when a store is really loud and crowded. Not a pretty scene. If I'm lucky, nothing happens. But if I'm not lucky (and even though my last name is Doyle, I can tell you for sure that the luck of the Irish bit is highly overrated) you will see a really funky transformation.
I get all floppy on one side and I start to walk and talk like I'm completely inebriated. Which, if I was a party-hardy-rocker chick, it would be OK. But seeing as a I'm a suburban mother or three children and participate in school events...well...it would look rather dysfunctional.
So, for the sake of normality, I usually only go out when it's nice and quiet.

And so there I was at Giant Eagle, at the self check out aisle with my cart full of groceries. I love the self check out aisle, by the way, for some reason it makes me feel really empowered! You know, like the cashier who has the power to scan your items, except it's you with the power.

So I get done with the scanning and a cashier has to help me with one of the coupons that didn't go through. A very nice older gentleman, meanwhile, was packing my groceries. How nice was he, right? He didn't have to since it was the "self check out aisle." So, I gave him a nice smile.
He came over to me just then, and I thought "Crap, I hope he didn't think I meant that kind of smile!"
But much to my relief, all he wanted was to see if I wanted some extra coupons. He said that people have left them and he wanted to see if I wanted it.
Well, the cashier looked over at the coupons, gave him a dirty look, rolled her eyes, then looked at me as if to say "The nerve of that guy!"

I looked down at the coupons and they were all for Kikkoman Soy Sauce. All five of them. I thanked the gentleman enthusiastically, because he clearly felt dejected by the cashier's harsh looks. Fearing the elderly grocery bagger would be reprimanded later, I added " I'll be set for the next year, thanks again!"

I know it's hard for some people to see what is and what is not offensive to certain ethnic groups. But I think if one uses common sense you really can't go wrong. Here was a man that kindly offered me some coupons which I often use. I'm Asian, so yes, I use soy sauce. He did not snicker or laugh when he offered it, he did not follow it up with a " I know you Chiiiiiiineeeese people love that stuff!" comment. So, was I offended? No, not really. In fact not at all.

And did I use all those Kikkomann Soy Sauce coupons? No, but it was the thought that counted.

P.S I inserted the really cute cartoon on the side. There were some people that were offended by it. But for the most part, the Asian's on the thread, found it quite complimentary. I, however, do not look forward to becoming shorter than I already am. I am hoping that fashionable geriatric platform shoes will be invented by then.