Hemiplegic Migraine

Hemiplegic Migraine (HM) are migraine attacks, a neurological disorder that is episodic in nature. Some symptoms include episodes of prolonged aura (up to several days or weeks), Hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body), fever, Meningismus (symptoms of meningitis without the actual illness and inflammation), impaired consciousness ranging from confusion or profound coma, headache, ataxia or defective muscle coordination, nausea or vomiting, phonophobia or photophobia.
Those who experience HM absolutely need to educate themselves about their disease and treatment. Because many doctors have never treated HM, it is imperative to seek a Migraine specialist for care and follow-up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Need the Sun!

Why is it that when you want something so bad, life taunts you. Take springtime, for example. The arrival of the season is much anticipated. You’re sick of the cold, your body aches from the frigid weather, and you’re completely desperate for that sun to bring forth new life, warm rays, and hopefully a more healthier, more golden body. 

But Mother Nature is a tease. The groundhog does not like humans. Mr. Heat Miser and Mr. Freeze are constantly at war. We are mere humans, being dictated by all this fairy tale, mythological mumbo jumbo, just trying to get our fair share of the sun. Why can’t we determine our own weather fate?

All I'm saying is that it would be nice if, just once, we could pick a date, say April 25th, and on this particular date, Spring would actually arrive. Not April 24th or April 26th, but on April 25th, an actual designated day that a human would choose. A human, like the Pope, the President of Wherever, or even some wacko psychic could pick the day. Just as long as there is that promise of Spring’s arrival on such and such a day. 

Think of what it could do for the populations overall boost in morale if we could assign a day for Spring to arrive. Mothers can store winter clothes away without fear of that last dreaded snowstorm. Spring cleaning could actually take place during spring like weather. Flowers can bloom without being frozen, and neighbors can begin irritating us with their gas powered 90 decibel noise polluted lawn mowers. 

Besides, this weather is killing me already! Enough with the hot one day, cold the next. I am at this moment stomping my foot like a spoiled child who is not getting what they want! And what it wants is sun and my healthy dose of Vitamin D. I’m deficient already!

My body is completely confused not to mention it’s wreaking havoc on my head and causing all sorts of left sided floppiness every other day.

Educational moment…
Weather change is a big trigger for migraine suffers.
 In a 2006 study, Marcelo E. Bigal, M.D., Ph.D., director of research at the New England Center for Headache, Stamford, Connecticut, and assistant professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y., explained:

"Most people in the study thought they could predict which type of weather factor (temperature, snow, etc.) triggered their Migraines, but they really couldn't ... Ironically, we found the one constant in weather-triggered Migraines was change. For instance, even though the heat, high humidity or a storm can cause the headaches in some people, it's usually the change in temperature, humidity or barometric pressure that brings Migraines on in most sufferers." 

So pleeeeease (dramatic whining), give me some sun, I’ve been waiting since yesterday! Really, I’m not needing to lay out or anything. Thanks to genetics, I have a great all season tan that I would not trade for the world. What I’m needing is a little consistency from Mother Nature. She’s acting a little hormonal with the back and forth weather and not being able to decide what she wants. Rain, Cold, Sun, Snow? So stop being a bitch already and give everyone what they want! 
